C Program for Sum of n Natural Numbers

C langauge known for it’s simplicity and efficency comes with all features for performing mathematical operations. One such operation is to find the sum of n natural numbers, In this article we will write a C program that calculates sum of n natural number.

The sum of n Natural Numbers Formula

The sum of first n natural numnber is a classic mathematical problem we can calculate it by using following formula.

sum = n*(n+1)/2

In this article, by using C language and given the above formula we will calculate the sum of n natural numbers.

C Program for Sum of n Natural Numbers


C Program for Sum of n Natural Numbers

How does the above C Program Work?

  • The above C program for calculating the sum of n natural numbers starts by asking the user to enter the value of n.
  • With the help of the scanf program stores the value of n in a variable named n of type int.
  • By using a formula program calculates the sum of n natural numbers and stores it in variable sum.
  • At the end, program prints the result.

Happy Coding

See Also

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