How to Remove Vowels from a String in Python

How to remove vowels from a string in Python. Removing vowels from a string is a common task that can be useful in various text-processing applications. In Python, there are multiple efficient ways to perform this, making it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike. In this article, we will explore different methods … Read more

Program to Check whether Character is Alphabet or Not

In this article we are going to write java program to check whether character entered by user is alphabet or not. Java code to check if character is alphabet or not Output if character is alphabet Output if character is not alphabet

Valid Parentheses Program in Java

in this article we are going to Write the program of checking valid Parentheses in java Valid Parentheses Solution package gangforcode; import java.util.Stack; public class validParentheses { public static Boolean validParentheseCheck(String x) { if(x.length()<=1){ return false; } Stack<Character> stk= new Stack<>(); for(int i=0;i<x.length();i++){ if(x.charAt(i)=='[‘ || x.charAt(i)=='{‘ || x.charAt(i)=='(‘){ stk.push(x.charAt(i)); } if(stk.isEmpty()) return false; if(!stk.isEmpty()) … Read more

find one extra character in string

In this article, we are going to find one extra character in given two strings. Problem:- we have two strings s1 and s2 of length n and n+1. we need to find that one extra character in string s2 that is not present in string s1. Java code to find one extra character in given … Read more

String in Java

In this article, we are going to learn about strings in java. A string is a sequence of characters, in java string is an object which represents a sequence of characters. An array of character works the same as a string. strings are immutable in java. In java every character is stored in 16-bits. char[] … Read more

Digits after decimal

In this article, we are going to find digits after decimals in given number. for this, we will write a java code. Example:- if n=145.258, then the output will be 258. Steps:- Java code to find digits after decimal numbers:- Output:- The same logic can be used to find digits after decimals in other programming … Read more

binary to decimal

In this article, we are going to see how we can convert binary to decimal. We also write java code to convert binary to decimal. Binary to Decimal conversion:- Steps:- Java code to convert binary to decimal:- Output:- The same logic can be used to convert binary to decimal in other programing languages like C, … Read more

decimal to binary

In this article we are going to see how we can convert decimal to binary. We also write java code to convert decimal to binary. Decimal to Binary conversion:- For conversion of Decimal to Binary continuously divide the decimal number by 2 until decimal number become 0. and add every reminder after division at the … Read more