In this article we are going to see how we can convert decimal to binary. We also write java code to convert decimal to binary.
Decimal to Binary conversion:-
For conversion of Decimal to Binary continuously divide the decimal number by 2 until decimal number become 0. and add every reminder after division at the beginning of the result variable.
Let’s assume Decimal =5
- Step-1 : decimal = 5/2 =2 , reminder = 1 , result= 1
- Step-2 : decimal =2/2=1,reminder=0 ,result=01
- Step-3 : decimal =1/2=0,reminder=1 , result=101
Now Decimal become 0 hence the final result is 101, Which is binary conversion of 5.
Steps for code to convert decimal to binary:-
- Create a string variable to store binary value.
- Run a loop while decimal number is greater than 0.
- calculate the reminder dividing by 2 i.e. reminder = number%2.
- Add the beginning of result string.
- Divide number by 2 i.e. number = number/2.
- End of loop.
- The string variable will hold binary value of given decimal number.
Java code to convert decimal to binary:-
package gangforcode;
import java.util.*;
public class DecToBin {
public static void decToBin(int n) {
String binary="";
while(n>0) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the Decimal number");
int n=sc.nextInt();
The same logic can be used to convert decimals to binary in other programing languages like C, C++, Python, etc.