in this article we are going to Write the program of checking valid Parentheses in java
Valid Parentheses Solution
package gangforcode; import java.util.Stack; public class validParentheses { public static Boolean validParentheseCheck(String x) { if(x.length()<=1){ return false; } Stack<Character> stk= new Stack<>(); for(int i=0;i<x.length();i++){ if(x.charAt(i)=='[' || x.charAt(i)=='{' || x.charAt(i)=='('){ stk.push(x.charAt(i)); } if(stk.isEmpty()) return false; if(!stk.isEmpty()) { if(x.charAt(i)==']'){ if(stk.peek()=='['){ stk.pop(); } else{ return false; } } else if(x.charAt(i)=='}'){ if(stk.peek()=='{'){ stk.pop(); } else{ return false; } } else if(x.charAt(i)==')'){ if(stk.peek()=='('){ stk.pop(); } else{ return false; } } } } if(stk.isEmpty()) { return true; } else{ return false; } } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(validParentheseCheck("{{}[([])]}[")); } }
Output :-
The output for valid parentheses is false, because the given parentheses string is not a valid parenthese.
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