C Program to Find Circumference of Circle

In this tutorial, we are going to write a C program that calculates the circumference of a circle.

C Program to Find Circumference of Circle

Formula for Circumference of a Circle

The circumference of a Circle is the total length around its boundary. It is calculated by using the formula

Circumference = 2*π*r


  • π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159
  • r is the radius of the circle.

C Program for Circumference of Circle


C Program to Find Circumference of Circle

How the Above C Program Work?

  • The program starts by asking the user to input the radius of the circle.
  • In the program, we define the mathematical constant π by using # to define the preprocessor directive.
  • The calculateCircumference function takes the circle’s radius as argumnet and returns the circumference using the abovementioned formula.
  • In the main function after taking input from the user it takes if the radius is non-negative.
  • Finally, the program calculates and displays the circumference of the circle based on the provided radius.

See Also

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