Java Program to Calculate Area of Circle

In this article, we are going to write a java program to calculate the area of a circle. We will use the java Scanner class for taking radius input from the User Area of Circle We can calculate area of circle by using following formula Area = pi * r*r Here pi = 3.14 , … Read more

Loops In Java

In this article we are going to learn about loops in java. We weill learn about for loop, while loop and do while loop. We will see working of all loop and write some java program using loops in Java. Why Loops are Important ? In programming languages loops are used to repeat some lines … Read more

Float to String Conversion in Java

In this article, we are going to see how we can convert float data type to String data type in java. there are many ways available for the float to string conversion in java, which are mentioned below – Float to String conversion in java By using Float.toString() method Float.toString() is a static method of … Read more

How to convert String to Float in Java

Here we are going to see how we can convert a string value to float. String to Float Conversion String to float conversion in java is too easy. We can directly convert a String to float by using Float.parseFloat(String s) . String s = “26.7”;float f = Float.parseFloat(s); Let’s see a complete java program to … Read more

Program to Check whether Character is Alphabet or Not

In this article we are going to write java program to check whether character entered by user is alphabet or not. Java code to check if character is alphabet or not Output if character is alphabet Output if character is not alphabet

Insertion Sort

In this artcle we are going to learn about insertion sort algorithm and insertion sort implementation in java. Insertion sort:- In insertion sort the array is divided into two parts first part is sorted and second part is unsorted. To start with sorted array will have only first element in sorted array and the all … Read more

Array Sorting

In this article, we are going to discuss about array sorting and diffrent ways to sort an array and there implementation. What is Array Sorting:- Sorting means arranging items either in ascending order or descending order. Arranging an array’s elements either in ascending order or descending order is known as array sorting. We can sort … Read more

Binary Search in Java

In this article we are implementing binary search in java. Binary search is one of the most efficent searching algorithm aplicable only on sorted arrays. Here we are going to write the binary search program in java. if you want to learn about binary search algorithm you can check our post on binary search algorithm … Read more

Matrix Addition in Java

In this article, we are going to discuss how to add two matrix using java. For adding two matrix first we take input for both matrices matrix1 matrix2. Matrix addition example:- In matrix addition we have to add corresponding cells of both the matrices. An example of 3 matrix addition is given below:- Java Code … Read more