How to Calculate Percentage in Python

How to Calculate Percentage in Python. Calculating percentages is a fundamental mathematical operation, frequently used in various fields such as finance, data analysis, and general statistics. With its simplicity and flexibility, Python is an excellent tool for performing these calculations. In this article, we will explore different ways to calculate percentages using Python, providing clear examples for practical understanding.

Basic Percentage Calculation in Python

Let’s start with the simplest case: Calculating what percent a part is of a whole. This is useful in situations like what percentage of a class passed an exam or what fraction of a budget has been spent.

Example: Calculating the pass percentage of students

Calculating the pass percentage of students

In the above Python code, the function takes two arguments (part and whole), calculates the percentage, and returns it. The '.2f'in the print function for making the percentage to two decimal places.

Calculating Percentage Increase or Decrease in Python

To determine how much a value has increased or decreased in percentage terms from an original value, use the following formula-

Percentage Change = ((New Value – Original Value) / Original Value)*100

Example: Calculate Salary Increase

Calculate Salary Increase

The function calculates the percentage change in the above Python code, which can be either positive (percentage increase) or negative (percentage decrease).

Calculating percentages in Python is straightforward thanks to its powerful arithmetic capabilities. Whether it is determining what fraction of a total a particular number represents, or calculating percentage increase or decrease, Python provides an efficient and clear approach.

Happy Coding & Learning

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