string palindrome in java

In this article, we are going to discuss about palindrome string and write a code in java to check whether a given string is palindrome or not. Palindrome String:- A palindrome string is a string that remains the same after reversing the string for example-“abc”, this is not a palindrome string because after reversing the … Read more

power using recursion

In this article, we are going to find power of given number using recursion in java. Example:- if num=2 and power=3, then the output will be 8. steps:- java code to calculate power using recursion:- Output:- You can use the same approach to calculate the power using recursion in other programming languages like C, C++, … Read more

Swap two numbers

In this article, we are going to swap two numbers by using two different approach. first approach is using third variable and second one is without using third variable. Swapping two numbers using third variable. In this approach, we used a temporary i.e. third variable two swaps two numbers. Here we are going to use … Read more

Distinct elements in array

In this article, we are going to find distinct element in array using java code. Example:- if n=5(size of ann array) arr={45,23,5,23,45}, then the output will be 3. Steps:- Java code to find distinct element in given array:- Output:- You can use same logic to find distinct element in given array using another programing language … Read more

maximum and minimum element in the array

In this article, we are going to find maximum and minimum element in the given array using java code. Example:- if n=4(size of an array) arr={48,58,5,2}, then the output will be 58 is the maximum element and 2 is the minimum element. steps:- Java code to find maximum and minimum element in an array:- Output:- … Read more

minimum element in array

In this article, we are going to find minimum element in array using java code. Example:- If n=4(size of an array) arr={5,8,9,4}, then the output will be 4. Steps:- Java code to print minimum element in array. Output:- You can use the same logic to print minimum element in an array using other programing languages … Read more

maximum element in array

In this article, we are going to find maximum element in array using java code. Example:- If n=4(size of an array) arr={45,8,9,4}, then the output will be 45. Steps:- Java code to print maximum element in array. Output:- You can use the same logic to print maximum element in an array using other programing languages … Read more

check if array is sorted

In this article, we are going to check if the array is sorted using java. Example:- If arr=[1,2,3,4,5], then the output will be yes. because it is sorted. if arr=[2,4,6,10,8], then the output will be no. because it is not sorted. Steps:- Java code to check if array is sorted or not:- Output:- You can … Read more