C Program for LCM and HCF

In the world of computer programming, it is important to understand basic mathematical concepts like the highest common factor(HCF) and least common multiple(LCM) etc. These concepts play an important role in solving various mathematical problems. In this article, we are going to write a C program to compute HCF and LCM of two numbers. What … Read more

C Program for Division of Two Numbers

C Program for Division of Two Numbers – In the realm of computer programming, C stands as a foundational language known for its simplicity and powerful capabilities. Division, one of the fundamental arithmetic operations, can be efficiently performed in C programming. This tutorial article aims to elucidate the process of dividing two numbers using C, … Read more

C Program for Subtraction of Two Numbers

C Program for Subtraction of Two Numbers – Subtraction is a fundamental arithmetic operation that involves finding the difference between two numerical values. In computer programming, subtraction can be efficiently executed using various programming languages, including the popular language, C. In this article, we’ll explore a simple C program that performs subtraction between two numbers. … Read more

C Program for Compound Interest

Compound interest is a fundamental concept in finance, representing the interest on a principal amount that continuously accumulates based on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods. Writing a C program to compute compound interest can be immensely beneficial for financial calculations and understanding the concept’s practical implementation in programming. Let’s … Read more

Simple Interest and Compound Interest in C

In the realm of finance, Simple Interest (SI) and Compound Interest (CI) are pivotal concepts used in various financial transactions, loans, investments, and savings. The C programming language provides a robust platform to comprehend and compute these interests effectively. Understanding the calculations behind these interest types is fundamental for financial literacy. Problem Statement WAP that … Read more

C Program to Print Prime Numbers from 1 to n

Prime numbers, those divisible only by 1 and themselves, are fundamental in number theory and have various applications in computer science and cryptography. Writing a C program to print prime numbers within a given range from 1 to ‘n’ involves an efficient approach to identifying and displaying these numbers. Understanding Prime Numbers Prime numbers are … Read more

Implementing a Circular Queue Program in C

A circular queue is a fundamental data structure in computer science that operates based on the principle of the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) approach. Unlike a linear queue, a circular queue handles efficient memory utilization by reusing the vacant spaces. Implementing a circular queue in C involves creating an array-based structure and utilizing pointers to manage insertion, … Read more

C Program to Calculate Sum and Percentage of Marks

C, being a powerful and widely used programming language, allows developers to create efficient programs. In this tutorial, we’ll create a program that accepts marks for five subjects and calculates both the sum and the percentage marks obtained by a student. Problem Statement WAP that accepts the marks of 5 subjects and finds the sum … Read more

WAP for Binary Search in C

Binary search is a fundamental algorithm used in the world of programming to efficiently locate a target value within a sorted array. It operates by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of writing a program for binary search in the C programming language. Binary Search Algorithm … Read more

C Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Using Functions

In the realm of programming, mastering the art of writing efficient and modular code is crucial. The conversion of temperature units, such as Celsius to Fahrenheit, is a common task that can be elegantly accomplished using C programming with the implementation of functions. Understanding Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion The conversion formula from Celsius to Fahrenheit … Read more