Converting String to Float in Python

Converting String to Float in Python. A common task in programming with Python is data conversion, Especially when dealing with user input or data parsing. This tutorial will walk through how to convert a string into a floating point number, or float, in Python.

Using the float() Function

The most straightforward way to convert a string to a float is by using the built-in float() function. This function takes a string(or another number) as input and returns its floating-point equivalent.

Converting String to Float in Python

Points to Noted

  • This method is straightforward and works well with strings that are correctly formatted as numbers.
  • If the string can not the converted to a float because it contains invalid characters(anything other than numbers, a decimal point, or a minus sign), a 'ValueError' will be raised.

Using ‘Decimal’ for More Precision

String to Float in Python

Points to Noted

  • The 'Decimal' class can handle very precise numbers and avoids some of the issues of floating-point arithmetic.
  • It is slightly more complex and has more overhead than using ‘float()‘, so it is best used when necessary.

Converting strings to floats in Python is a simple task but it is crucial for performing numerical operations on data that comes as text. Always remember to handle exceptions gracefully to make your programs more robust and error-free.

Happy Coding & Learning

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