Matrix Addition in C

Matrices are integral components of various computational algorithms and performing operations on matrices is a fundamental aspect of programming. In this article, we are going to see how can we perform matrix addition in C.

Matrix Addition

Matrix addition is a straightforward operation where each element of the resulting matrix is obtained by adding the corresponding element of the input matrices. For Example- if we have two matrices A and B of dimension mxn, the resultant Sum(a+b) will be the mxn matrix, and each element of Sum[i][j] will be the sum of A[i][j] and B[i][j].

C Program for Matrix Addition

Let’s write a C program that adds to matrices. In this example we will use nested loops to iiterate through each elemnets of matrices, performing the addition operation and stroring the result in a new matrix.

Note- If you don’t know how to take matrix input and print the matrix refers this tutorial- Matrix Input and Output in C


C Program for Matrix Addition

How Above Code Works?

  • The main function is the entry point of an above C program.
  • We declare two variables row and column to store the dimensions of the matrices.
  • Program asks users to enter the velue of row and column.
  • Three matrices are declared-matrixA, matrixB, and sum, Each with dimensions specified by the user.
  • Users then entered the element of both matrices matrix and matrix by using a nested loop.
  • Function addMatrices is called with the dimension of the matrices and the matrices themselves.
  • Inside the function, a nested loop iterates through each element of matrices performs the addition of corresponding elements, and stores the result in the sum matrix.
  • At the end, the program prints the resultant matrix after the addition.

Happy Coding

See Also

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